Tuesday, September 16, 2014

PUBLIC SPEAKING is a stunned moment...

Did you ever feel nervous while speaking in the public till you could shiver your whole body? Feeling a great heart pounding like it would jump out from your rib cage or maybe a feeling of dreadful like death is just by the corner? Well, congratulation cause you are a normal human being which i believe that most people would experience it too. Even professional and famous public speaker such as Bill Gates, Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar would at least get nervous in few seconds before giving out their speech. We just cant deny that in each of us have the slightest nervousness when speaking in public.

Before we started out our presentation on certain topic, it is a must for us to discover what is the definition of that topic. So we could acknowledge the topic in advance. Same goes here, public speaking would have many definition in different people. Well as for me, public speaking is a platform for you to deliver out a speech in public with the all types of  feeling at the moment. Yet, it's not a sin to explore your capability in public speaking even though you are not a professional. Generally, having the brave and courage to speak in public would be enough for me because it is like a catalyst for yourself to be more confident and little by little will remove those unwanted feeling. Somehow, to be a professional and a great public speaker, it depends on us on how we can tackle
ourselves to be able to speak fluently in front of the audience who you always imagine them as crocodiles that want to eat you.

During my oldies, i used to join this one competition in public speaking. To have this sharing is not that meaningful because i did not see any improvement in me yet. But frankly speaking, i did learn that public speaking competition is not just memorizing the text, it is about the confidence that is built in our soul. But somehow i did stunned when it almost came to the end of my speech which i am pretty sure that i had lost my focus. How embarrassing...

But not to worry... its not the end of the world if you cant speak in public. In fact, there is always ways that you can find out to overcome those feelings. Always set up in your mind that it's only you who can figure out the ways in handling this problem. Hope we will prepare ourselves in the future to be a great public speaker.

Till now. See ya.!

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